Template Details

The slider you see on this website is the Free Edition of another cool product JSN EasySlider from JoomlaShine. Please click on the below button to check the PRO Edition of this extension.

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Have you ever been frustrated when digesting content presented boringly on the web? Have you ever thought that ... perhaps, your website visitors are suffering from those same negative feeling?

In order to give your content an effective presentation on the web, we developed JSN EasySlider on the “Three-I” criteria of information conveyance:

  • I-mpressive: Stunning effects and transitions to grab and maintain audience attention.
  • I-nformative: Dynamic content (text, video and images) are synthesized to deliver information.
  • I-nteractive: Call-to-actions are easy to insert attractively to ensure content engagement.

Besides superpower for content presentation, it also has a uniquely outstanding feature:extremely user-friendly interface. With Drag-n-drop functionality, WYSIWYG Editor, Timeline editor and live preview, no lines of code are required to get a stunning slider.

You will be certainly captivated!

Below is the stunning slider created by the Free Edition of JSN EasySlider.

JSN Mobilize comes with both Free and PRO Editions. The FREE edition is included in sample data installation package with function limitation. You only can create 1 mobile template with limited displaying area.

Please click on buttons below to see how JSN Mobilize present a website on mobile devices:

Smart phones      Tablet

JSN Mobilize helps your website to achieve a better browsing experience by creating an elaborated mobile version for the site. This revolutionary extension guarantees to include a bunch of sophisticated features and enhancement while require minimum technical knowledge from users.


Multi-device Support


Not only smartphones are supported by JSN Mobilize, the recent innovation - tablets are also covered. Tablet usually has bigger screen and can receive more displaying area than phone. With JSN Mobilize you will have the separate layouts for phone and tablet which surely deliver the better device coverage for website's mobile version.



Multi-OS Support


JSN Mobilize delivers the future-ready and mobile-friendly experience to your Joomla website by initiatively supporting multiple operation systems. In short explanation, your website should work and be viewed effortlessly on every screen solution horizontally and vertically. Your website will look awesome automatically on these operation systems (OS) below:

  • iOS (6.x and below, 7.x)
  • Android (2.2 - 2.3, 4.x)
  • Windows Mobile (6.x and below, 7.x, 8.x)
  • BlackBerry (5.x and below, 6x - 7x, 10x)
  • Others...



Load Speed Enhancement


Get the most out of JSN Mobilize with the Advanced Image Optimization based on two options including "For the best performance" or "For the best image quality". Additionally, the CSS/JS minify mechanism allows to compress all files into one single package. By that way, your site load will quickly enough in a limited-bandwidth environment at least 170%. Below is the speed test by akamai.

Please click on buttons below to check the detailed information about PRO Edition's features of JSN Mobilize:

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Here, wed like to show you how JSN Dona can be utilized for multiple kinds of websites, staring from simple personal website ending with professional news portal. All content are fictions and serves for demo purpose only.

  • News Portal / Online magazine
  • Personal website / Blog
  • Corporate website / Service providers
  • Community website / Fan clubs
  • Online shops

Here are some real life examples of JSN Dona.

JSN Dona - High Quality Responsive Template

JSN Dona will be the best choice for all Joomla developers to build a website quickly and easily. Comes with powerful features and clean design, JSN Dona contains all necessary options to build awesome responsive websites. Enjoy it right now to see how amazing it is.


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